Tanto si eres uno de esos afortunados que tienen una casa de verano para disfrutar del campo o de la playa, o si simplemente quieres dar a tu recibidor un aire más veraniego, he recopilado algunas ideas para decorar el recibidor en verano. Los colores azules y blancos, bancos de madera, cestos de mimbre, alfombras finas, tejidos floreados y flores silvestres le darán a tu recibidor un look campestre muy veraniego.
If you are one of those lucky people who has got a summer house to enjoy the country or the beach during the holidays, or if you just want to get a summer look in your hallway, today I have compiled some ideas to decorate the hallway in summer. To get that country summer look try blue and white colours, wood bench, baskets, thin rugs, flowery fabrics and wild flowers.
Utiliza colores brillantes sobre fondos blancos. A mí personalmente me encantan los tejidos de rayas colcheneras en rojo o azul para el verano.
Use bright colours on white backgrounds. I personally love the striped fabrics in red or blue for the summer.
Use bright colours on white backgrounds. I personally love the striped fabrics in red or blue for the summer.

El color azul y blanco y los bancos de madera le darán un aire marinero a tu casa en la playa. Los tejidos de rayas son ideales para combinar con ellos.
To get a nautical look in your house at the beach try blue and white colours or a wood bench in the hallway. The striped fabrics are perfect to combine with them.
To get a nautical look in your house at the beach try blue and white colours or a wood bench in the hallway. The striped fabrics are perfect to combine with them.

¡Llena la entrada de flores! Si estás en el campo, utiliza flores silvestres. Los cestos de mimbre son ideales para decorar entradas con plantas y flores. Si no los tienes, ahí van un par de soluciones alternativas para tus flores de verano.
Fill the hallway with lots of flowers! If you are in the country, use wild flowers. Baskets are perfect to place the flowers and plants in the hallways. If you don't have any baskets, here you have a couple of creative solutions to place your summer flowers.
Fill the hallway with lots of flowers! If you are in the country, use wild flowers. Baskets are perfect to place the flowers and plants in the hallways. If you don't have any baskets, here you have a couple of creative solutions to place your summer flowers.

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Me gusta tu blog, tiene muy buen gusto, te dejo el mio por si te apetece echarle un vistazo.
Gracias Marile, ahora mismo me paso por el tuyo mientras me todo un cafecito :)