Hoy comienza el primer fin de semana de agosto y muchos de vosotros estaréis ya disfrutando de las vacaciones ¿Qué planes tenéis para este verano? Yo pienso pasar un mes entero disfrutando del sol y de la playa. Pero como actualmente estoy viviendo en Australia (ya sabéis que llegué aquí hace 4 meses) y ahora es invierno en este lado del mundo, tendré que esperar 4 meses más para poder disfrutar de mi plan vacacional.
Today it's starting the first weekend of August and most of you will be already enjoy our holidays. What's your plan for holidays this year? I'm planning to spend one month on the beach enjoying the sunshine. But I'm currently living in Australia (you already know that I moved here 4 months ago) and now it's winter in this side of the world, I have to wait for other 4 months to enjoy my holiday plan.
Today it's starting the first weekend of August and most of you will be already enjoy our holidays. What's your plan for holidays this year? I'm planning to spend one month on the beach enjoying the sunshine. But I'm currently living in Australia (you already know that I moved here 4 months ago) and now it's winter in this side of the world, I have to wait for other 4 months to enjoy my holiday plan.

Hoy os he traido una colección de imágenes de playa preciosas, de la fotógrafa nórdica Trine Thorsen, dedicada especialmente a aquellos que, como yo, no podrán disfrutar de la playa este fin de semana. Espero que estas imágenes os transladen a esos lugares de ensueño junto al mar donde poder relajarse y descansar del largo invierno. Vamos a soñar... (pero yo sólo hasta diciembre, vale?)
I've brought to my blog a collection of beautiful images of sea inspiration, by the nordic photographer TTrine Thorsen, dedicated especially to those ones who, as me, won't be able to enjoy the beach this weekend. I hope these gorgeous images take you to those dreamt places near the sea where everybody can relax and recover themselves from the long winter. Let's go dream... (but only until December, ok?)
I've brought to my blog a collection of beautiful images of sea inspiration, by the nordic photographer TTrine Thorsen, dedicated especially to those ones who, as me, won't be able to enjoy the beach this weekend. I hope these gorgeous images take you to those dreamt places near the sea where everybody can relax and recover themselves from the long winter. Let's go dream... (but only until December, ok?)

No os perdáis la web de Trine Thorsen, está llena de fotografías preciosas.
Don't miss Trine Thorsen's gorgeous website, it's full of beautiful photographies.
Don't miss Trine Thorsen's gorgeous website, it's full of beautiful photographies.
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