Hola amigos, buenos días. Comienza para muchos una relajada semana de vacaciones, y como digo cada lunes, no hay mejor manera de comenzar un lunes que con un buen desayuno. ¡Además en verano y en vacaciones hay muchas más opciones para disfrutar del desayuno en casa que en invierno! Hoy os sugiero tres opciones, inspiradas por una mis tiendas favoritas, Gudrun Sjödén, para celebrar el comienzo del lunes con un buen desayuno.
Hello friends, good morning. This is going to be a relaxing week for most of you who are already on holidays! As I say every Monday, there is no better way to start your Monday mornings than with a delicious breakfast. In summer you have much more options to enjoy the breakfast at home than in winter! Today I brought three options, inspired by one of my favorite European shops, Gudrun Sjödén, to celebrate that a new week has started, and that it's going to be a good week.
1. En la cama
In bed...
Hello friends, good morning. This is going to be a relaxing week for most of you who are already on holidays! As I say every Monday, there is no better way to start your Monday mornings than with a delicious breakfast. In summer you have much more options to enjoy the breakfast at home than in winter! Today I brought three options, inspired by one of my favorite European shops, Gudrun Sjödén, to celebrate that a new week has started, and that it's going to be a good week.
1. En la cama
In bed...

Que más da, es verano, estamos de vacaciones, es momento para disfrutar y descansar, y si además alguien se ha tomado la molestia de prepararte el desayuno y llevártelo a la cama antes de que tú despiertes, todavía mejor, ¿no?
It's ok! It's summer, we are on holidays, and it's a time to rest and enjoy life, and if someone else has already prepared breakfast and taken to the bed before you wake up, even better, isn't it?
It's ok! It's summer, we are on holidays, and it's a time to rest and enjoy life, and if someone else has already prepared breakfast and taken to the bed before you wake up, even better, isn't it?

2. En la cocina...
In the kitchen...

Sí, de acuerdo, esta también vale para el invierno, pero lo que yo tenía más bien en mente es un desayuno en una cocina con vistas al jardín! Las imágenes de Gudrun Sjödén me han recordado bastante a mi cocina en verano, llena de tartas, galletas, bizcochos, etc. y es que es en verano cuando tengo más tiempo para cocinar y pruebo todas aquellas recetas que no he podido probar durante el invierno.
Ok, ok, this one is also for the winter, but what I had in mind was a breakfast in a kitchen open to the garden! I love these images from Gudrun Sjödén, this kitchen looks like mine in summer, full of cakes, coockies, muffins, etc, because it's in summer when I have more time to cook and I try to make all those recipes that I can't try during the winter.
Ok, ok, this one is also for the winter, but what I had in mind was a breakfast in a kitchen open to the garden! I love these images from Gudrun Sjödén, this kitchen looks like mine in summer, full of cakes, coockies, muffins, etc, because it's in summer when I have more time to cook and I try to make all those recipes that I can't try during the winter.

3. En la terraza...
In the balcony...

¡Esta sí que es una opción de verano!!! Y si tu terraza tiene vistas al mar, entonces ya si que es imposible comenzar el lunes con mala cara!
That's a summer option to enjoy the breakfast!!! And if your balcony has views to the sea, then it's impossible to start the week in a bad mood!
That's a summer option to enjoy the breakfast!!! And if your balcony has views to the sea, then it's impossible to start the week in a bad mood!

Pero aunque nadie te haya preparado el desayuno para llevártelo a la cama, tu cocina no esté abierta al jardín, o ni siquiera tienes jardín, y tu terraza no tiene vistas al mar, o ni siquiera tienes terraza, sonríe, es lunes y la semana viene cargada de muchas cosas buenas. ¿Preparados para disfrutarlas?
But if no one has prepared the breakfast for to take it to the bed, your kitchen is not open to the garden, or you don't even have any garden, your balcony has no views to the sea, or you don't even have any balcony, smile, it's Monday and this week is coming with many good things. Are you ready to enjoy the week ahead?

Las fotos que nos mostrás hoy son un poco más glamorosas que mi vida...Mi lunes comenzó en la cocina, con café, a las 6 y media de la mañana....qué sueño!!!! Pero si, a vivir!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteMañana es lunes!!! Empiezan las clases de salsa!! A BAILAR!!!!!!